Acupuncture Coming Soon to The Hudson Valley
Acupuncture helps relieve symptoms of numerous health problems. It can also reveal the underlying cause(s) of those symptoms. The goal of this dynamic and integrated healthcare system is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of the body. An additional goal is to strengthen and support the body in preventing future illness and disease.
Acupuncture is safe, natural, drug-free, and effective. It is a holistic way to get well and stay healthy. Acupuncture is one aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. Basic principles and methods include:
Fourteen major energy channels called meridians course through the human body.
A subtle energy called Qi (pronounced chee) circulates through the meridians to every part of the body.
Any blockage or other imbalance involving the amount, flow, or balance of Qi may result in pain, dysfunction, and ill health.
With acupuncture needles or other means such as cupping or moxibustion, the acupuncturist stimulates certain points (acupoints) along the course of the meridians. This stimulation helps restore the normal balance and flow of Qi so the organs and bodily systems can work together in harmony. When the body is in harmony, it can repair itself and maintain its health.
What is Qi? What does it do?
Inside every human body is an intelligent, energetic system that maintains health and balance. This subtle form of energy supports, shapes, and enlivens our physical body allowing us to lead healthy and active lives.
For thousands of years, practitioners of acupuncture have called this intelligent energy Qi. Qi is the vital energy in all living things, from the largest tree to the smallest cell. It is a combination of energies, mixed together from our food, air, and inherited constitution. Qi is necessary for growth, development, movement, maintenance of body temperature, protection against illness and disease, and overall regulation of the body. Our health is influenced by the quality, quantity, and balance of Qi throughout the meridian network.
How does Qi flow through the body?
Like the rivers that carry water to provide nourishment and sustenance for life on our planet, meridians are the rivers where Qi flows inside of us. Qi flows through meridians as an invisible current, energizing and nourishing every organ, muscle, tissue, and cell. Every meridian is connected to specific organs and glands. However, each bodily system and organ interacts with all other systems and organs as they are interrelated and integrated. Thus when Qi is in balance and able to flow freely, the body’s natural self-healing abilities are activated, enabling internal stability and harmony to occur. The body will then flourish, and true health and well-being can be achieved.
How does the flow of Qi become blocked/unbalanced?
The desired balance in the flow of Qi can be affected by any noxious substance, both external and internal. Examples of this include poor nutrition, toxic air or water, infectious or contagious diseases, organ malfunction, or any bodily injury. Excessive dampness, wind, cold, and heat, as well as emotional responses to life such as worry, anxiety, and stress also affect Qi’s flow through the meridians.
An unbalanced or blocked Qi flow can manifest into various signs and symptoms. Over time, the body as a whole becomes weakened, and its self-healing abilities become compromised. Eventually, the body becomes susceptible to pain, disease, and overall poor health.
What will my treatment be like?
To treat any Qi imbalances, fine, sterile, and disposable needles will be inserted at specific points along the meridian pathways. We will concentrate on acupuncture points related to specific organs, based on your unique needs and symptoms.
We may also include other related therapies in your treatment plan such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, Gwa Sha, moxibustion, infrared heat lamp, Tuina massage, and infrared heat pads.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Everyone experiences acupuncture differently. Some people feel very relaxed during their treatments and even fall asleep. Others feel energized. Some feel a slight pinch when the needle is inserted, and others feel nothing at all. Acupuncture needles are smaller than the needles used in hospital and doctor’s offices. If you feel any amount of intense or sustained pain during your treatment, you should tell your practitioner immediately. Going to a licensed, qualified acupuncturist reduces the risk of pain during treatment.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes. Pre-sterilized, nontoxic acupuncture needles are manufactured, packaged, and shipped in sterilized containers to ensure compliance with the law. Needles are used one time only. Furthermore, because acupuncture is all-natural, there are minimal side effects.
How can I get the most from my treatments?
Acupuncture is a very patient-involved therapy and your actions are a key component of your treatment plan. Along with coming to every appointment, focusing on your health and committing to a healthy lifestyle outside of the office are the best steps you can take toward your well-being.
Your commitment to your health should not end once your treatment plan is complete. Even after your symptoms are resolved, acupuncture can assist you in maintaining your health, and possibly prevent future imbalances. With regular treatments, we may be able to detect and resolve any imbalance or disruptions in the flow of Qi—before you start feeling symptoms.
How much does it cost?
Initial Acupuncture Intake/Session (~60 minutes) - $150.00 *Required for all patients over the age of 12 before other treatments may be booked
Follow-Up Acupuncture Session (~45 minutes) - $100.00
Add-On Services (additional 15 minutes) - $20.00/session (Reiki, Cupping, Gua Sha)
Semi-Private Follow-Up Acupuncture Session (~45 minutes) - $45.00-$65.00 sliding fee *No add-ons available with this service
Semi-Private Auriculotherapy Session (~45 minutes) - $45.00-$65.00 sliding fee *No add-ons available with this service
Cupping Stand-Alone Session (up to 30 minutes) - $40.00
Pediatric Initial Acupuncture Intake/Session (~45 minutes) - $80.00 (age 12 & under)
Pediatric Follow-Up Acupuncture Session (up to 30 minutes) - $40.00 (age 12 & under)
Does insurance cover acupuncture treatment?
Conditions and injuries sustained from an automobile accident may be covered by your automobile insurance. However, all other treatments will be out-of-pocket expenses. In addition, ask your accountant or your tax preparer if acupuncture payments can be deducted as a medical expense.