On this adventure of life, there are many paths we can choose to take and no two people have the same path to walk. It can be confusing at times, what to do, where to go, and health issues, and existential & spiritual crises may arise. We do not have to go it alone; it is alright to ask for guidance or assistance. Knowing when to get support is a signature of a leader. Taking care of our health and living from our core is essential to truly thrive and walk our Wright Paths.
Are you feeling like life just isn’t going your way? Tired of living in the passenger seat of life? Feeling a general state of powerlessness?
Who or what is in command of your life?
Sounds like it’s time to tend to that inner garden. Introducing…
Reborn With The Sun!
Foundational 12-week protocol for embodying Health in the Body, Peace in the Spirit, Love in the Heart, and reclaiming your role as Soul/Sole Creator of your life!
Find out about Wright Paths mission, the principles, who Matthew Wright Butcher is, and contact information.